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Citroën 2 CV - Citroen 2 CV

Revue Technique auto 2 cv Citroen - Automotive Repair Manual 2 cv Citroen - Revista Técnica Automóvil 2 cvc Citroen

Citroën 2 CV -  4 CV et 6 CV Fourgonnette

Depuis 1970 jusqu'à fin de fabrication

Revue Technique Automobile, numéro 297.8. Citroën 2 cv, 4 cv et 6 cv fourgonnette, de 1971 à 1987 de Etai


Revue Technique Auto
Automotive Repair Manual
Automotive technical book
Revista Técnica Automóvil

Auto-repair Manual Citroen


Auto repair Manual Citroen

Citroen 2CV, Ami and Dyane ('67 to '90) (Service and Repair Manuals)

2CV, Ami, Dyane

2-cylinder 425, 435 & 602 cc.

Haynes Publishing

Revue Technique Auto
Automotive Repair Manual
Automotive technical book
Revista Técnica Automóvil

Auto repair Manual Citroen


Revue Technique auto 2 cv Citroen - Automotive Repair Manual 2 cv Citroen - Revista Técnica Automóvil 2 cvc Citroen

Je répare ma 2 CV

2 cv Citroen

Manuel de réparation complet

Modèles traités : AZ - 2 cv 4 - 2 cv 6 (425, 435, 602)

Editeur : Citropolis
Collection : Je répare


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Citroen 2 CV Restoration

Dismantling & assessment of work required - Total removal of body & enfine - Suspension fitted to new chassis - Checking and servicing - Reassembly - Bodywork repairs - Refurbishing the interior - Vinylcoating the roof - Fitting electronic ignition - Final assessment

Éditeur : Kelsey Publishing


Citroën 2 CV, 1948 à 1970 de Etai


Revue Technique Auto
Automotive Repair Manual
Automotive technical book
Revista Técnica Automóvil

Auto-repair Manual Citroen


Concours de la Fonction publique sur CD ROM




Citroen 2CV Ultimate Portfolio

We owe the basic concept of the 2CV to Pierre Boulanger, the man appointed to manage Citroen 's affairs after the company was taken over by Michelin in the mid-1930s. The car very nearly appeared in 1939, but the outbreak of War caused production to be suspended. The cars then on the assembly lines were scrapped, although a couple of prototypes were salted away during the War years and can now be seen in French museums.
The 1939 car would undoubtedly have created a sensation in the motoring world, but there can be little doubt that the refined and reworked version which finally was launched in 1948 was a much better machine. Its success spread far beyond the agriculturarcommunity at whom it was aimed, and the 2CV's appeal as basic transport earned it enormous sales worldwide. Some 25 years after its introduction, the car took on anew lease of life when the fuel scares of the 1970s caused buyers everywhere to seek cars which were cheap to run. Citroen responded by marketing the 2CV as a chic answer to this new need - and they succeeded brilliantly.

However, the 1970s were also the age of increasing concern over safety in motor vehicles. The 2CV could not be made to meet new regulations without major and costly re-engineering which would have destroyed much of its essential character. So it was that production was halted at the beginning of the 1990s. By then, the car had been continuous production for well over 40 years.

Today, the 2CV stands out as a kind of symbol of Frenchness in the 1950s and 1960s. Like all Citroens, it was eccentric in its way. But it was also eminently practical, and today many owners still recognise its charms. It is certainly not a classic car in the conventional sense, but it would be surprising if our descendants do not look upon it as one of the truly exceptional cars of the 20th century.

Publisher: Brooklands Books


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Citroën 2 CV fourgonnette de mon père de Sabates

Avec la 2 CV, on croyait avoir atteint le summum de l'automobile spartiate. On se trompait. Citroën pouvait encore faire mieux dans l'austérité.

Sur la même base, deux ans après la berline, la version utilitaire fourgonnette est lancée. Hors du temps et des modes, ce petit dromadaire de la route roulera sa bosse infatigablement pendant vingt-huit ans, de 1950 à 1978, sans changements notables.

La Fourgonnette sera fabriquée aux quatre coins du monde et vendue pratiquement sans publicité. Elle apparaît à peine dans quelques catalogues. Parfaitement adaptée à tous les climats, avec son moteur refroidi par air, elle convient aux pays en voie de développement, car elle est sobre et économique. Enfin, sa suspension fait des merveilles sur tous les terrains.

Comme sa grande sœur la 2 CV, cette fidèle amie des globe-trotters participera à de nombreux raids autour du monde. Imbattable, discrète, indispensable, impossible à copier, rien ne l'a remplacée aujourd'hui. De nombreux utilisateurs regrettent sa simplicité et sa cote d'amour auprès des collectionneurs ne cesse de grimper.

Editeur : E.t.a.i - ETAI


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2 cv

La 2 CV Citroën

Nous avons tous dans le cœur une 2 CV, Citroën bien sûr ! Papa, maman, tonton Georges, le curé du village, tous en possédaient une.

Née de cerveaux ingénieux des années 30 et 40, la 2 CV a rythmé la vie des Français pendant des décennies.

Ce livre est le témoin des grands et petits moments de cette voiture mythique dont l'idée de départ, toute simple, fut : " quatre roues sous un parapluie ".

Editeur : Calmann-Lévy



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